Holy furnishings
Our suggestion of sacred furnishings offers a vast choice of items which include, in addition to sacred furnishings for Churches, many other sacred accessories for the liturgy (such as cruets set, lavabo set, chalices, ciboria, patens, altar candlesticks, processional crosses, missals stand, monstrances, reliquaries, thrones, reliquaries, censers and holy water pots).
In sacred furnishings you can find: tabernacles, offerings boxes, votive light stan, stations of the cross, candlesticks carved in wood with multiple flames, lecterns, paschal candle holders, baptismal fonts and much more.
Showing 1–16 of 659 results
altar bells
Baptism sets
censers-holy water pots
chalices-ciboria-open ciboria
cruets sets
flower holders
incense bowl brass
lavabo sets
missal stands
monstrances- -tabors
offering boxes
Oil lamps
Oil stock-pyxes-viaticum
processional crosses
sanctuary lamps
stations of the cross
Travel Mass kits
Votive light stands
Monstrance ‘Grapes and Wheat Spikes”
1.290,00 € -
Ciborium “Life of Jesus”
1.200,00 € -
Chalice “Life of Jesus”
1.080,00 € -
chalice ‘Peregrinantes in Spem
1.100,00 € -
“Angeli” ciborium
915,00 € -
“Angeli” chalice
845,00 € -
Chalice with paten – open ciborium
75,00 € -
Olive wood tabernacle
360,00 € -
Olive wood tabernacle
270,00 € -
Olive wood oil lamp
110,00 € -
Olive wood cruet set
145,00 € -
95,00 € -
Chalice with paten – open ciboria
75,00 € -
Olive wood ciborium
265,00 € -
Olive wood ciborium
380,00 € -
Olive wood open ciborium
265,00 €